AX-3000 Features
The AX-3000 high speed real time operating system offers super-fast operation, security from virus attack and computer hacking, plus a long product life time with lower cost of maintenance. (No software upgrades are usually necessary once the terminal is installed).
- Technical Features:
- Robust Uniwell hardware means years of trouble free operation.
- Small footprint allows the unit to be located at narrow locations in bars and waiter stations.
- Wall / Bracket mounting option standard.
- Flash ROM technology gives a stable operating system platform without the system lock-ups of normal computer systems.
- Printer-less work stations with shared printing mean less financial outlay for a total system.
- A choice of printers at print stations allow for the print type to suit the environment the printer is in.
- Kitchen and bar orders can be printed on impact printers with black and red print to highlights cooking/preparation instructions.
- Guest checks can be printed on a thermal printer with a customised graphic logo.
- Connect up to 32 terminals on a local area network for reporting and product maintenance.
- Back office PC communications and internet access is standard for reporting and product maintenance.
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